Nasarawa Governor dismisses NASPOLY Rector, Registrar, Bursar >>Eazygisthub

The Nasarawa State Governor, Umaru Al-Makura, on Friday approved the dismissal of the Rector of Nasarawa State Polytechnic, Dr Silas Gyar.

According to the News Agency of Nigeria, (NAN), the Chairman, Governing Council of the Polytechnic, Mohammed Bako, said the governor’s decision was in line with the government white paper report on the investigative committee into the activities of the institution.
The statement added that the dismissal took effect from November 28, 2018.
It added that the governing council had also approved the dismissal of Labani Joseph-Dio and Ahdullahi Akyo, Registrar and Bursar respectively.
The State Governor, therefore, directed all the dismissed staff to refund the over N2 billion mismanaged by them while in office immediately.
The dismissed staff were sent on compulsory leave on October 26, 2017 to pave the way for investigation into their activities.

Nasarawa Governor dismisses NASPOLY Rector, Registrar, Bursar >>Eazygisthub Nasarawa  Governor dismisses NASPOLY Rector, Registrar, Bursar >>Eazygisthub Reviewed by eazygisthub on November 30, 2018 Rating: 5

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